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Reflect and review

Time to reflect

After your leadership team has completed an activity it is important to take time to reflect on how it went and things you may have learned from running your activity.

Plan a time for your discussion. The best time to do this is soon after your activity has finished, so you don’t forget what happened.

Ask three simple questions:

  1. What went well or what were the good things that happened with your activity. These are things that could be repeated for future activities. Was there anything that surprised you about your activity?
  2. Were there any things that didn’t go so well or things that could be improved if you ran a similar activity again?
  3. Do you have any recommendations to others who might be involved in future activities like yours?

You may find it helpful to get feedback from those who participated in the activity or a teacher who helped plan the activity.

Download the "Time to reflect" template in the Resource downloads and make sure someone takes notes during your discussion. Once you have recorded your activity reflections, make sure it is saved somewhere for you to use again when you are planning a new activity. Your reflections may also help future leaders in your school when they plan similar activities

Setting new goals

Now it is time for your team to set new goals or plan a new activity.

When you have decided what your next activity will be, remember to use the “Project action plan” in the How to be successful module to work out the steps that are involved for making your idea happen.

Make sure you use the “Time to reflect” from your past activities so you give your new activity the best chance of success. Good luck!